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Completed projects

Institute for Renewable Energy since 2001 realized, among others, the following projects:

  1. SDHp2m - Advanced strategies and measures to support the market for the launch of investments in solar heating
  2. The business model of investment in renewable energy sources – Development of business models for independent producers and autoproducers - investments in the first commercial renewable energy projects
  3. EurObserv'ER - EurObserv'ER barometer 2006-2015
  4. Monitoring of the RES Act - Monitoring the progress of implementation of the Law on Renewable Energy Sources
  5. The hybrid RES - Designing a hybrid system (combining different RES technologies: photovoltaic systems, heat pumps etc.) supplying the gas station
  6. The National Development Plan for Heating from Renewable Sources by 2030 - National Development Plan for domestic installations to generate heating from renewable energy sources by 2030
  7. Analysis - co - performance analysis estimating in a quantitative and narrative way the role of co-combustion technology in the new statutory regime
  8. Analysis - FIT for RES micro-installations - Implementation of cost analysis for micro-installations, which will receive support under the provisions of art. 41 of the Law on renewable energy sources
  9. Analysis - RES development in Poland - Performing an economic analysis of necessary support system for the development of microenergy market based on renewable energy sources in Poland
  10. Study Tour - Study trip to Germany for the employees from Agricultural Advisory Centres
  11. Installation of renewable energy systems for private houses and public buildings in the Municipality Długosiodło - Preparation of functional program, the terms of ordering and supervision
  12. Heating systems - Prospects for the development of the market for the heating sector in Poland
  13. Study Tour - Study trip to Germany for farmers and government
  14. Biomethane in Poland - Implementation of studies entitled "Aspects of economic, social and environmental future-oriented use of biomethane for transport purposes in Poland"
  15. RES Act - Expert analysis of the effects of the government's draft law on renewable energy sources, together with the proposed support system
  16. Prosumers in Poland - Analysis of the real benefits of the proposed government support mechanisms for prosumers according to the government's draft law on renewable energy sources
  17. Support for prosumers in Poland - Performance analysis of the real benefits arising from the proposed government support mechanisms for prosumers
  18. Guide – Development of a guide for users of solar collectors, implemented under the project entitled "The installation of renewable energy systems on public buildings and private homes in the municipalities belonging to the Association of Municipalities Wisłoka Basin"
  19. The farmer with energy - Implementation of simplified technical and economic analyzes and summary of the results for the 6 types of micro-installations, preparation of the guide for investors on issues related to the investment projects, focusing on the determinants of legal, administrative and financial investments, a presentation on the topic "Problems of access to energy and quality of energy services in rural areas and the chance to increase the energy security of households", the development of four mini reports
  20. The National Development Plan for RES microinstallations by 2030 - roadmap of the energy sector for prosumers and citizens, based on the use of micro and small RES installations for the production of electricity and heat in residential, industrial and agricultural sectors (the so-called distributed generation)
  21. Feasibility study of market analysis - Analysis of the wind energy market in the context of new regulations
  22. "Biogas plant-thought-out choice" - project funded by the National Fund within which we have prepared the content of substantive training multimedia presentation, expert texts for brochures for the citizens and brochures for local governments, the development of content of 50 e-learning lessons in the context of e-learning course implemented on the moodle platform and the preparation and adaptation of a set of data showing the state of agricultural biogas plants in Poland
  23. Feasibility study of installing photovoltaic panels - Feasibility study for the installation of photovoltaic panels with a total capacity of 1,085 MW target on the roofs of 21 energy facilities. For the purpose of study there were carried out site inspections of facilities and taking into account the obstacles for the installation there was proposed the capacity. The study consisted of detailed cost estimates, estimated expenditures of investment, economic calculations. The study was performed in accordance with the guidelines of the JESSICA program.
  24. Biogas - preparing analysis entitled "Assessment of substantive documentation for feasibility studies and environmental impact assessments of projects of biogas plants"
  25. Natural gas and renewable energy sources - Analysis of the use of renewable energy sources in the natural gas transmission system
  26. Promotion of the production and distribution of renewable energy sources - Preparation of the study entitled The evaluation of the condition of ex-ante No. 4.3 in terms of investment priority "Promotion of the production and distribution of renewable energy sources" for the European Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund, as defined in Annex V of the general regulation, the EP and the Council for the European Structural Funds and Investment for 2014 -2020, in connection with the adoption of the Act of 26th of July 2013, amending the Act - energy law and certain other acts (Journal of laws of 2013, pos. 984 of 27 August 2013).
  27. Support for renewable energy technologies in Poland - analysis for the determination of the necessary level of support for individual RES technologies in the context of the implementation of the National Action Plan for energy from renewable sources at the Ministry of Economy
  28. Energy revolution for Poland - Scenario of supplying Poland with clean energy carriers in the long term
  29. Meteorological models for the RES market - Implementation of the analysis entitled "Areas of application and the possibility of commercialization of the results of meteorological models on the market of energy from renewable sources"
  30. Offshore wind energy - The role of offshore wind energy in the initial stage of implementation by Poland the obligation of producing electricity from renewable energy by 2020. and later (2035)
  31. Co-firing of biomass with coal - Preparation and development of economic impact assessment of maintenance support for the co-combustion technology of coal with biomass
  32. Certificates of origin - Analysis of the situation on the Property Rights Market for certificates of origin of energy from renewable sources to TGE
  33. SDHplus - Solar heating systems in Europe
  34. OZERISE - Renewable Energy Farms and Intelligent Networks
  35. Repowermap - A European map for Promoting renewable energies and energy efficiency
  36. UrbanSolPlus - The use of solar energy in urban development subject to the renovation and historic buildings
  37. BupS Poland - Polish National Building Workforce Training and Qualification Initiative in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy
  38. European Solar Days - Campaign to promote solar systems in Europe
  39. Analysis of the possibility of introducing a system of feed-in tariffs for micro and small RES installations - Expertise for the Ministry of Economy with the proposal of tariff rates to the law on renewable energy sources. On the basis of actual capital expenditures and operating expenses have been counted the cost of electricity production from each of the sources of renewable energy (LCOE - levelized cost of electricity).
  40. The forecast of energy prices - Long-term forecast of electricity prices in Poland and price scenario of support system for renewable energy
  41. Wind Power - Implementation of development "Renewable energy as a lever for socio-economic development of the regions by 2020. Why and how we should plan the development of wind energy in the regions".
  42. OffshoreGrid - The framework of network development and market energy for power at sea: assessment of technical and economic variety of design options
  43. The development of offshore wind energy and nuclear energy - Development of a comparative study case for Pomerania on the economic aspects of the development of offshore wind energy and nuclear energy
  44. Wind power and biomass - "The potential of wind energy and biomass in the Lower Silesia by 2020"
  45. Job places in terms of the development of offshore wind energy and nuclear energy - "Analysis of the job places in terms of the development of offshore wind energy and nuclear energy. A comparative study of the case for Pomerania."
  46. Analysis of the operation of a wind turbine - Development of an annual analysis of the number of hours of work net of the wind turbine
  47. Certificates of origin - "Analysis of the effects of oversupplying with certificates of origin for the renewable energy sector"
  48. Micro-biogas plants in Poland - "Analysis of the introduction of the criteria and the necessary support mechanisms for the development of micro-biogas plants in Poland"
  49. Determination of the energy potential of Polish regions in terms of renewable energy sources - applications for the Regional Operational Programs for the programming period 2014-2020 - "The research and analysis were to determine in the comparative way the energy potential of the 16 provinces in the field of renewable energy sources. The analysis covered, among others, natural conditions (size and diversification of renewable energy resources) and infrastructure, possible directions of RES development at the regional level in Poland by 2020. The aim of the study was to identify the types of renewable energy sources and types of projects, which have the greatest need to be taken into account in the future as investments in energy co-financed by the EU funds and using previous experience, formulating preliminary recommendations for the creation of the Regional Operational Programs for the next programming period".
  50. Prospects for the development of selected sectors of renewable energy in Poland 2011 - The aim was to identify investment opportunities in companies from the renewable energy sources. The focus was on the most promising technologies for Poland: wind energy (with a separate segment of small wind turbines), solar thermal energy, agricultural biogas, solid biofuels and small geothermal installations. Each of them was characterized by taking into account the characteristics of the market, the current market situation, trends of development and international exchange.
  51. Development of "Analysis of the European manufacturers of equipment for thermochemical conversion of solid biofuels"
  52. SUSPLAN - Development of long-term regional and pan-European guidelines for the most effective integration of renewable energy infrastructure.
  53. Clean energy, clean Mazovia - investments in renewable energy - a feasibility study for the proposal for the project from the European Development Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship, Priority IV. Environmental risk prevention and energy; Measure 4.3 Protection of air
  54. Biogas plants - "A guide for investors interested in building biogas plants including, among others, standard projects of biogas plants"
  55. Production of devices for renewable energy sources in Poland - "Analysis of the development of the production of equipment for renewable energy in Poland for domestic market and export" implemented in the framework of the task "Stimulating the development of industries producing equipment for renewable energy"
  56. Befriend with the energy friendly environment - Gathering and developing databases for 16 regions and preparation of final consolidated report to the situation of the energy in provinces
  57. Wind turbines in the sea - Consultation and analysis related to the principles of location of wind turbines, including the location of wind turbines at sea.
  58. The market of solar collectors in Poland - Development of a report on the solar thermal market “The current state of development of solar thermal energy in Poland and investment opportunities"
  59. Market of household wind installations in Poland - Development of a report on the market for small wind turbines "Domestic Wind Power Plants. Small wind power systems (3kW-15kW installed capacity)"
  60. Market of biomass boilers in Poland - Development of a report on the market for biomass boilers "The current state of market development of biomass boilers in Poland and the investment opportunities in the field of 10-1000 kW"
  61. Offshore wind energy - "Economic and social aspects of the development of offshore wind energy in Poland"
  62. MADEGASCAR - Market development of vehicles powered by gas, supply and distribution network of natural gas and biogas
  63. "Performance analysis of substantive, technical and economic viability of the project to purchase biogas plant with a capacity of 1 MW in Orchówek (Wlodawa)" - Feasibility study of a biogas plant with a capacity of 1 MWe. It contains a detailed technical, technological and economic analysis
  64. FIRE - Facilitating Innovation in Renewable Energies
  65. EU-AGRO-BIOGAS - A European initiative of R&D institutions to increase the efficiency of biogas
  66. POW'WOW - Prediction of waves, wakes and offshore wind
  67. Create Acceptance - Cultural influence on renewable energy acceptance and tools for the development of communication strategies to promote acceptance among key actors groups
  68. Active Learning - Integration of active learning and energy monitoring with school curricula
  69. BETTER - Biofuel chain enhancement for territorial development of European Regions
  70. SOLCAMP - Solar energy for camping sites
  71. Flame SOFC - Fuel flexible, air-regulated, modular, electrically integrated SOFC
  72. T (at) W- Sustainable energy technologies at work on the market generated by the EU emission trade scheme and the linked CDM and JI market
  73. Refuel - Renewable fuels for a sustainable Europe
  74. Market Report - a report on the renewable energy market in Poland
  75. RESCUE - Action plan for stimulating research and innovation in SMEs from CEECs in the renewable energy field
  76. OBSERV'ER 2 - Renewable energy sources in the EU and the CEEC
  77. JRC - Bioenergy: Methodological improvement of statistical data collection regarding to biomass availability and use in the EU New Member States
  78. PAE - Creation of Sub-Carpathian Energy Agency in Podkarpackie Voivodeship
  79. ManagEnergy - Organisation of the second European Conference of Municipal Specialists in Energy
  80. EUBIONET II - Efficient trading of biomass fuels and analysis of fuel supply chains and business models for market actors by networking
  81. ProBio - Production of biogas and fertilisers out of wood and straw
  82. EREC - Promotion and market stimulation of RES in the European Union and Candidate Countries
  83. INVERT - Investing in RES & RUE technologies: Models for saving public money
  84. VIEWLS - Conference Clear views for clean fuels, Warsaw, 18 Oct 2004
  85. SusCom - Sustainable Energy Communities and Sustainable Development
  86. SIWERM - Successful Implementation of Wind Energy at Regional and Municipal Level
  87. RESPEED - Promotion of the European experience of renewable energy sources, development and climate change commitments in the new member states and the Candidate Countries: A high-level approach
  88. OBSERV'ER - EurObserv'ER - renewable energy barometer
  89. BS KWI - Podhale Geothermal District Heating and Environmental Project - Monitoring of CO2 Abatement, Poland
  90. NIRAS - Maturing biogas/biomass CHP project on POLDANOR SA and Koczała Commune, feasibility study
  91. EU BIOTECH - Accompanying measure to Encourage biomass uptake and assist technology transfer of EU Biomass/Waste utilization technologies to China and Central and Eastern Europe
  92. PROMISE - Procurement in Municipalities for Integrative Solutions on Energy
  93. TDA SUWAŁKI - Investment in Wind Farm project in Suwalki County, Poland
  94. PLIG - Renewable Energy Sources for Communities of North-Eastern Poland
  95. Hedeman - Conference on Renewable Energy Technologies at POLEKO International Trade Fair in Poznan, Poland

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