The year 2020 will bring huge regulatory and market changes that will significantly change operating conditions and competitiveness of companies in the energy sector. In the first half of 2020, EU policy on climate neutrality and EU funds (European Green Deal) will be clarified and key policy and regulatory documents on RES will be consulted and adopted. In the second half of the year, the EU regulations will be implemented in Poland. As a result, the position of renewable energy on the electricity and heat markets will improve significantly.
The RES Bulletin is a dedicated information service prepared by the team of the Renewable Energy Institute containing current original political and regulatory analyses concerning the Polish renewable energy sources market, discussion of analyses of other domestic and foreign analytical centres, subsidy programmes for installations using renewable resources, energy and climate policy in Poland together with implementation of EU policies and impact assessment on further development of the domestic renewable energy sector.
- Monitoring of the implementation in Poland of the directives on renewable energy sources (RED II), EU regulations on the production of heat and electricity from RES and related directives (Electricity Market Directive, Energy Efficiency Directive).
- Monitoring the amendment to the Renewable Energy Sources Act
- legal updates, planned amendments and implementing regulations
- analyses, interpretations, expert opinions
- the impact of regulations on the profitability and formula of investment execution and the competitiveness of particular technologies
- specific arrangements for prosumers in the service and industrial sectors
- Legislative monitoring of the RES sector
- EU policy on the implementation of the EU climate and energy package, agreeing on and implementing the European Commission's "New European Green Deal", monitoring the implementation of the State's energy policy
- Monitoring of RES grant schemes for 2020-2021 from the point of view of the possibility to take advantage of competitions for RES investments, including ESCO schemes (self-producers and energy communities) and competitions for R&D projects
- Monitoring the development of investment projects and their implementation
- Current statistics on the development of the national RES market and monitoring of investment potential in wind and photovoltaic projects
- IEO's own analyses, forecasts and recommendations for the RES industry:
- RES auctions: including: list of companies that have won the auctions, selected auction projects,
- PPA - Corporate Power Purchase Agreement (contracts for direct sale of energy from RES installations),
- market for certificates of origin,
- electric energy prices,
- changes in the electricity and heat tariff system plus fixed and variable tariffs for companies (business perspective),
- electricity price forecasts,
- green investments in the heating market to adapt to EU directives, e.g. SDH - solar thermal systems for heating companies, gP2H - Green Power to Heat, which means unbalanced electricity from RES, in particular from wind power plants, whose generation profile is similar to that of heating,
- ready-made innovative RES solutions for implementation in energy systems.
- Current, independent political commentary
The bulletin is in the form of Power Point presentations and is prepared every month. Subscription price is determined individually according to a detailed offer tailored to the receiver. We invite you to subscribe to the bulletin and contact us about it at our email address: